This year we had high expectations for Festa Bikers, veterans of the 2021 edition that for reasons related to the pandemic had been reduced to a minimum.
Arrived on Friday afternoon, with our immense surprise already at 18.30 was difficult to find parking… meant one thing, we were all there.. or at least most!

A unique feeling and goal united us, a great desire to relive this Event that for 25 years has welcomed and welcomed Bikers from all over Europe collecting funds to support local charities.
An avenue full of colorful stands framed Festa Bikers, from clothing to accessories the long course that leads to the center of the event was stormed.

Harley parked everywhere implied that the luckiest were not the first arrivals, but the last if they decided to leave the party before closing time… going out would be complicated! And so it was.
As in previous years, for this edition, an “apparent division of spaces” has been maintained in order to make the most of all the initiatives: the part of Customizers, the dining area (always divided into several stands with the ring dedicated to combat sports), the area dedicated to artisans flanked by the stage for live music, and finally the space dedicated to those who had decided to stay in the tent throughout the period of the event.

The party comes alive immediately, the parade of bikers is endless and never stops. Juggling between the public and the cylinders that run along the avenue is not easy but to meet and greet friends there are the “usual landmarks”, from the pizza stand to the tables that surround the ring… in short, it’s like feeling at home, When you get to Cologno al Serio you already know how to behave.

This year for the Northern Growl was the first official even if simply as “spectators”, with a great desire to meet those who already knew us and with the will to shake hands with new Friends, Partners and Suppliers. Three days is a few and every time you get to the last, the only thought goes to the fact that “it’s already over”. For many a simple motoraduno… for us, the one that still brings to a close a season that prepares for autumn.

At a particular moment in history, which has been in great difficulty in many respects and where economic and social forecasts do not bode well, There is only to appreciate who like the guys of the Staff of Cologno al Serio carry out with determination projects like this and it is in these moments that we can say with certainty that the union makes the strength.

What we can advise you is not to miss Festa Bikers… absolutely to see, to live and breathe enjoying every single moment!